Canada to offer a formal apology to LGBT + Canadians

Nov. 28, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will be apologizing for the history of discrimination by the Government of Canada against LGBT+ persons.
The apology will take place at Parliament Hill in the House of Commons, in Ottawa, ON (Algonquin Territory).
“For many of us the apology does not represent the end, but rather the beginning of the process of understanding a darker side of history,” The Canadian Centre for Gender & Sexual Diversity (CCGSD) stated in an email. “We hope the Government of Canada will not only fully apologize, but also expunge criminal records and release critical documentation.”

Learn more about how the CCGSD is actively working to advocate for LGBT+ communities at: and learn more about the Apology Process here: To watch the apology online go here.

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Canadian PM Justin Trudeau to be first world leader to be in a gay pride march

Trudeau will march in this year’s Pride parade in Toronto, his first time doing so as leader of the country.

However, he has marched many times before he became prime minister in November 2015.

A vocal supporter of LGBT rights, he tweeted that he looked forward to attending.

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